Mark: Plotters, Betrayer, Worshipper - Why Such Extreme Responses to Jesus?

Why did peoples' response to Jesus always seem so extreme? This passage from Mark highlights some extreme opposites. How do you respond to the person of Jesus Christ?

Deuteronomy 15:1-18
Mark 14:1-11
John 12:6

Sermon discussion topics for parents to use with their children:

  • How many responses to Jesus are there in this passage?

  • Why are they so intense?

  • Why did this woman waste all that money on Jesus?

  • What does this teach us?

  • Why did the leaders and Judas do what they did?

  • What do all of them think about it now?

  • How do you and I respond to Jesus?


Where Is God When It Hurts?


Mark: Preparing for the Future