The Bible & Current Issues: An Introduction in Worldviews

God’s people are facing a variety of issues each day. Most of them are complex and confusing. “What does the Bible say about these issues?”, and “How would God have me think and respond to them?”, are questions that serious-minded Christians often ask. We, as elders, are asked them as well. To address this need and to best equip God’s people, we are planning a Sunday School series in which we will take up current issues one by one. We plan to lead a study of the Bible on what biblical principles would apply to this issue and then have a discussion among the saints to gain from “the wisdom of one another” (Eugene Peterson), and wrestle together for answers on how to live and to think in a godly and biblical manner."

Topics Include

climate change; socialism and capitalism; homosexuality, transgenderism, and the moral revolution; suicide; secularism, morality, truth; science, scientism; robotics, technology, social media; racism, personal, systemic, in the church; prosperity gospel, word of faith movement; prolife, prochoice; medical ethics; human trafficking; feminism, strengths & weaknesses, me too movement; end of life; drugs, opiates, marijuana usage; politics; complementarianism/egalitarianism


The Dynamics of Grace: Dead, Buried, Raised, New Life: Symbolism and Sealing of Baptism


The Dynamics of Grace: God is Rich in Grace