The Upside-Down Way to Happiness

God's ways seem Upside-Down to the world.  While the world urges us to autonomy, individual freedom, demanding rights; God calls us to service, sacrifice, submission, giving.  Which way leads to happiness (or as God says it: "Blessedness “? This sermon continues in the Colossians series.

Psalm 2
Philippians 2:5-11

Sermon Discussion Questions: 

  • What is "human autonomy"? 

  • In what ways can it be the ultimate sin against God? 

  • How is it the dominant driving force of modern man? 

  • What is the Bible's "Upside-Down Way" and why is it so different than "Man's Way"? 

  • Why is the "Upside-Down Way" really the "Right Side-Up Way"? 

  • How does the nature of God impact how the world is? 

  • What is the blessing of the "Upside-Down Way"?


Colossians: Christ & His Beloved Bride


I'm Good...Really!?