Mercy and Power

Jesus shows us His amazing Mercy and Power to some poor, blind beggars, who can teach us a lot.

Matthew 20:29-34
Ephesians 3:14-21
James 2:5
Hebrews 4:15-16
Matthew 9:28-29
Ephesians 3:18-19

Sermon Discussion Questions:

  • Why were these men great theologians?

  • How did their life experiences uniquely equip them to demonstrate such faith?

  • Why did the crowd try to silence them and what was their response?

  • What does this text tell us about Jesus' mercy and power?

  • Why do we need to be like these men "more often than we think?"

The Lord Jesus is not only a mighty Savior, but merciful, kind, and gracious to a degree that our minds cannot conceive. Well might the apostle Paul say, that ‘the love of Christ passes knowledge.’ (Ephesians 3:19) Like him, let us pray that we may ‘know’ more of that love. We need it when we first begin our Christian course, poor trembling penitents, and babes in grace. We need it afterwards, as we travel along the narrow way, often erring, often stumbling, and often cast down. We shall need it in the evening of our days, when we go down the valley of the shadow of death. Let us then grasp the love of Christ firmly, and keep it daily before our minds. We shall never know, until we wake up in the next world, how much we are indebted to it.
— J C Ryle

Chapter 11 “of Justification”


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